Anything is possible
when we work together.

Our board members are the pillars of this organization. With their strategic guidance and unwavering commitment, they drive forward our mission of championing birthing rights. Comprised of activists and experienced professionals, our board is a testament to the importance of strong leadership and a shared vision for defending rights.

Tania Bond - Présidente
Tania Bond
President (2022-2024)
Maryse Décarie-Daigneault - Vice-présidente
Maryse DĂ©carie-Daigneault
Vice-president (2023-2025)
Jessica Viau - Secrétaire
Jessica Viau
Secretary (2022-2024)
Vincent Gagné
Treasurer (2023-2025)
Magalie Bock - Administratrice
Magalie Bock
Administrator (2023-2025)
Membre de l'Ă©quipe
Jessica Buckingham
Administrator (2022-2024)
Geneviève Dessureault
Administrator (2023-2025)

Join the movement to support childbirth with the power of choice.

Help us shape a world where mothers feel empowered and respected.

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